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Living World Shopping Mall

Dando forma al ambiente de vacaciones en Bali.

Dando forma al ambiente de vacaciones en Bali.




News is spreading like wildfire across local media channels about the grand debut of Denpasar's mammoth shopping center, Living World. With seven sprawling floors, including two tiers of subterranean parking, this colossal complex sprawls across 3.5 hectares of Tonja, North Denpasar.




Water Fountain Light


Fresh air, lush plants, and flowing water bring comfort and nature to people.


Illuminate your water fountain for a captivating display of beauty.


Note: DMX systems control lighting in entertainment venues like theaters and nightclubs. They offer precision and flexibility, making them popular among lighting designers and technicians. LAVOV uses DMX technology to enhance the shopping experience at Living World Shopping Mall.



Garden Light & In-gronud Light

A shopping mall's outdoor areas can be enhanced with garden lighting.It is possible to attract customers to your garden area by illuminating it with a variety of colorful lights that create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.

Led Downlight

LED lights are both efficient and durable, making them a hit in malls. They come in many colors and can be used for everything from gentle highlights to dazzling shows.




Led Light Strip

Seeking a reliable, customizable, easy-to-install, and safe lighting option for a large area? Consider using LED light strips.


Pendant Downlight

A big pendant light shines brightly and boldly in spacious places like dining halls, giving plenty of light and making a strong statement with its impressive size and brightness.


Bali Island
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